Emma Kowal, Joanna Radin, and Jenny Reardon
From Indigenous body parts, mutating temporalities, and the half-lives of postcolonial technoscience, Social Studies of Science, 2013.
“Mutations transcend dichotomies of premodern/modern, pro-science/anti-science, and north/south, inviting us to focus on entanglements and interdependencies.”
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin
Using the Creative Process as a Computational Framework for Unfolding Complex Systems
07:00 pm
Composer, professor of Media Arts and Technology and Music at UC Santa Barbara, USA, Director of the Allosphere Research Facility, and a researcher in multi-modal media systems, content, and facilities design.
Parasitic signals by
Sabina Hyoju Ahn
Last update
13.06.2021 at 12:29 pm
This research proposal is to transform interaction data between a pathogen and human cell into multimodal experience by looking into relationship between pathogen’s agent and the host — parasitism is considered to have only negative effect on the host’s side, however, throughout human history, pathogen loads work as evolutionary pressure and it has influenced host’s genetic composition as well as phenotypic characteristics.

De Anima by
Clara Jo
Last update
05.04.2021 at 04:08 pm
“De Anima” is an ominous prelude set in Myanmar and Kenya that unveils how gendered, racialized, economic, and metabolic ecosystems embedded within the global health crisis drives fear of contamination from the nonhuman world.

07:00 pm
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin
Composer, professor of Media Arts and Technology and Music at UC Santa Barbara, USA, Director of the Allosphere Research Facility, and a researcher in multi-modal media systems, content, and facilities design.
07:00 pm
Heather Davis
Assistant professor of Culture and Media at The New School, NYC, USA, member of the Synthetic Collective, and co-editor of Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies and Desire Change: Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada.
12:00 pm
Eben Kirksey
Anthropologist, writer, storyteller, and associate professor (Research) at Alfred Deakin Institute in Melbourne, Australia.
07:00 pm
Marcia C. Castro
Marcia C. Castro is associate professor of Demography at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston/USA.
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Natasha Ginwala
Natasha Ginwala is associate curator at Gropius Bau, Berlin/Germany and artistic director of the Gwangju Biennale 2020.
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Andres Lepik
Andres Lepik is director of the Architekturmuseum TU Munich and professor of Architectural History and Curatorial Practices at the TU Munich/Germany.
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Sophia Roosth
Sophia Roosth is an anthropologist, Max Planck Sabbatical Award Laureate 2020 and Cullmann Center Fellow, New York Public Library 2021/2021.
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Brenna Bhandar
Brenna Bhandar is Associate Professor at Allard Law Faculty, UBC, Vancouver. Prior to this appointment, she was Reader in Law, SOAS, University of London.