Emma Kowal, Joanna Radin, and Jenny Reardon
From Indigenous body parts, mutating temporalities, and the half-lives of postcolonial technoscience, Social Studies of Science, 2013.
“Mutations transcend dichotomies of premodern/modern, pro-science/anti-science, and north/south, inviting us to focus on entanglements and interdependencies.”
Eben Kirksey
“Who Owns the Future of Gene Editing?”
12:00 pm
Anthropologist, writer, storyteller, and associate professor (Research) at Alfred Deakin Institute in Melbourne, Australia.
De Anima by
Clara Jo
Last update
05.04.2021 at 04:08 pm
“De Anima” is an ominous prelude set in Myanmar and Kenya that unveils how gendered, racialized, economic, and metabolic ecosystems embedded within the global health crisis drives fear of contamination from the nonhuman world.